
There are five prayers for the candidate before baptism in The Book of Common Prayer, and one of these consists of four short prayers! In modern versions, the prayer content before baptism has been reduced and intercessions for the candidate and sponsors have sometimes been added after the baptism and reception. However, prayer before baptism expressing dependence on God to wash away sin and work by his Spirit to bring new life in Christ is important. Without such prayer, the focus would simply be on the sacramental action, and the implication might be that baptism has some automatic effect. 2.1 and 2.2 are two different versions of the same prayer, inviting the congregation to give thanks for their own baptism and praying for themselves, while interceding for those about to be baptised. 2.3 picks up some of the language of another prayer from The Book of Common Prayer, linking salvation under the Old Covenant with salvation under the New Covenant. 2.4 is a prayer that is particularly suitable for the baptism of infants.

2.1 Lord God, our heavenly Father,
we thank you for your great goodness
in calling us to know you and to put our trust in you.
Increase this knowledge and strengthen our faith.
Give your Holy Spirit to this person,
that he may be born again and made an heir of everlasting salvation;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.

An Australian Prayer Book (Order 1 [Infants])


Heavenly Father,
we thank you that in your great love
you have called us to know you
and to trust you.
Increase this knowledge and strengthen our faith.
Give your Holy Spirit to this person
that he may be born again,
cleansed from all sin,
and inherit your eternal Kingdom;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

An Australian Prayer Book (Order 2 [Infants] modified)

2.3 Almighty God, you delivered your chosen people from slavery in Egypt,
through the waters of the Red Sea,
and established with them a covenant of your unfailing love;
mercifully grant that this person
may be delivered from the slavery of sin through the new covenant,
and obtain the promise of eternal life
which you have given us in your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen

An Australian Prayer Book (Order 1 [Adults] modified)

2.4 Lord, our merciful God,
you have promised in Christ to be our God
and the God and Father of our children.
Fulfil your promise to us,
and for Jesus Christ's sake
receive these children as members of your family.
Grant that they may receive the fullness of your grace
and the washing away of all their sins,
for without these blessings no one can enter your kingdom.
May your Spirit live and work in them,
that they may be yours forever; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Sunday Services